Friday, August 2, 2024

Rereading "A User's Guide to the Brain"

Dr. John Ratey, MD is a good writer.  I bought his book years ago.  It is about what and how my brain helps me.  It is rather detailed and easy for me to skip parts and forget parts.  However, when I think of some parts I have recently re-read and remember some of the book "A Mind at a Time" by Mel Levine, I get thoughts about what educators often call 'special education', that is, education curriculum and teaching methods for unusual brains and kids.

Ratey was discussing dopamine impairments in the brain.  Basically, a normal brain can deliver sensations of pleasure when the brain owner does good work, or performs other activities that people feel rewarded and/or pleasure about.  However some brains lack some abilities or some degrees of chemical or hormone rewards, leading their owners to seek extra paths to pleasure and satisfaction.  Those extra paths may involve what is looked at as illegal or abnormal or both.