Saturday, August 17, 2024


We took a short trip to Ashland, Wi and environs.  We learned that short trips overnight can reveal habits we have developed and depend on.  We learned that some older people like short trips and that all sorts of expertise, not to mention life experience, are tucked into L.I.F.E. members.  We learned that Wisconsin has a long history, going way back before Europeans arrived.  

I have poor hearing and it isn't getting any better.  When we attended the musical 'Six", I learned that musical shows are too loud for me to enjoy.  I have no idea if the typical volumes are actually bad for my hearing or not.  We attended Bigtop Wisconsin and listened to fiddle playing by Laura McMaster and family but I left before the end.  My trouble is not detection or awareness of sound but interpretation of sounds into language.

We took a boat ride to Madeline Island.  We have been there before, as we have with Ashland and Bayfield.  I grew up in Baltimore and the Northwoods, mining and lumber were not part of my background but I think I have some appreciation for those industries as well as Wisconsin schools, colleges, technical schools and universities.