Tuesday, July 2, 2024

From a male-ish point of view

First, let's get the letters straight.  I am writing from a MALE-ish point of view.  An elderly male, at that.  The second letter is "A", not "U".

I add the "ish" because I am not a typical human male.  I am a bit small compared to many other examples.  I am not exceptionally aggressive or outstandingly athletic.  But that is not my topic.

My topic is about what I have experienced, observed, and read about the females of my species.  I have been interested in the females of my species since way, way back in my life.  I have a very clear memory of our family car pulling up in front of our house, probably primed by my grandmother, with my mother bringing our new family member home from the hospital where my little sister was just born.  See, I found out that people say I have a sister because her little body was different from mine.  I found out that she was destined to make other humans inside her body while I was not!

I found out in kindergarten that girls were sometimes more fun than boys, and were generally noticeably nicer and friendlier.  That finding has been extended and verified repeatedly since.

I got my eyes opened even more when we recently read "The Female Brain" by Louann Brizendine, MD. (available in Kindle format right now for $2.99) They got opened again when I read about what I think is a rather basic female experience of Not Wanting Anyone Anywhere to Not LIke Me.  That is a stark contrast to what I read years ago was a typical male hope that all other males feared him. Dr. Brizendine makes clear the enormous influence of hormones on all humans but especially the females who get strong hormones that pull in opposite directions every month for years and years.