Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Former Faculty Luncheon

When I finished graduate school in 1968, I read material about the founding of universities in the US.  I was impressed with some differences in various statements.  The universities in the early years were founded with statements about the wisdom of the ancients while those a little farther west had statements that said things like 'all knowledge can be useful, satisfying or beautiful but we want to know why our cattle are sick'.  That sort of statement of purpose attracted me to Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  I got a job with the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point in 1968 and I taught there until 2005, for a total of 37 years.  I very much enjoyed teaching 5th grade in Baltimore County for 4 years and I very much enjoyed UWSP.

Today, my former college, College of Professional Studies, held a luncheon for former faculty.  Both Lynn and I attended.  She is a former researcher for UWSP and graduate school professor in computers in education.  Of course, in the 19 years since I retired, many former colleagues have died. Many of us walk with canes and have other changes from dealing with the "extractive and reductive" processes of aging.  It is valuable to see pictures of ourselves and colleagues as much younger people, sometimes barely recognizable.

I had a good time teaching and I appreciate the opportunity to see some of the people I taught with.