Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Wading through more and more

Let's say that I am a politician and that I want to hold public office.  I am not saying I would be a good candidate, just imagining what it could be like.  I guess it helps if I have an idea for what seems like it would be an improvement in our lives and I want to explain my idea and that you and your friends and relatives should vote for me so I can work to make my idea a reality in my city or state or country.  I appear in some forums to explain my plan and to try to persuade you that my ideas and personality would be an asset to you and others. 

I guess this situation is similar to my owning a small business and being interested in convincing you to buy raisins or shoes or something from me.  It is just that the product I am advocating as a politician is me, my impulses, my approaches to questions.  I use my history and accomplishments.  A big factor is that problems and proposals and complaints that arrive later cannot be known now, although there can be attempts at predictions.

Politics and commerce seem to me to have fallen into a pattern of communicating what is on their agenda, not mine.  I am fairly elderly and if they hold the floor and stay with subjects they think will persuade me to buy their message and their product long enough, I may well expire before I get to explain what if anything I want from them.

This message comes from a citizen that is fatigued by the increasing load of messages and offers that are presented to me and my wife that we try to wade through.