Changed forever
These days you won't find much use of the word "changed" without the next word being "forever". I thought I would do others a favor and point out that every change is a change forever. Most people say they know that the past cannot be altered and the future hasn't happened yet. So, when you shake some pepper onto your salad, you cannot undo having committed that action. Yes, you may, if you wish, locate each tiny bit of pepper and tweezer it off of the items in the salad but I still have a short video of you shaking pepper onto the salad. You did it, you little devil, and we have video recording and your unique fingerprints on the pepper shaker.
I think that most instances of the modern pairing of "change" and "forever" are examples of attempts at emphasizing how important the change is. But, I recommend recognition of the fact that the last breath you took was never ever taken before. Taking that breath altered your breathing record forever. Everything that happens changes the history of the world forever!
You may be able to undo a particular EFFECT of an event or a lack of an event but what happens, happens.
Not only was that last breath never, ever taken before, it will never, ever be taken again. Isn't this an exciting world we are living in?
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