Friday, July 7, 2023

Scout memories

Each morning, I take a piece of sugared ginger.  I don't need more sugar but washing the granulated sugar off the ginger is complicated so I usually skip it.  I also have a date, 6 almonds and a small square of dark chocolate.  Each of those foods is kept in a reclosable bag.  I am impressed at how long-lasting and effective it is to roll the actual bag of food and insert that in my zipper bag.  I started with rubber bands on the product food bag but I have found rolling the product's bag up works quite well.  The rolled up inner bag stays that way nicely.

Paying attention to my bags brought to mind my Boy Scout days.  I lived in Irvington, a suburb of Baltimore when I reached the age of ten when I could join the Scouts.  I had read the Scout handbook and the Scout Fieldbook and was prepared!  The Scout master and older guys were surprised that I knew the Oath, the Law and the skills needed to be a Tenderfoot.  I had read in a typical nerd way and prepped.

Thinking about how newly available plastic bags fit well into my packing ideas brought back memories of Scouting.  I became the patrol leader of the Eagle patrol.  I don't recall many duties or responsibilities as patrol leader.  Our Friday evening troop meetings were fun.  I remember enjoying playing "Red Rover, come over" where I tried to dash through a group determined to stop me from doing that.  As a game progressed, more and more boys were captured and converted to the restaining team.  Eventually, I got dragged down.

I advanced over the years to the rank of Life Scout.  My parents were very eager for me to be an Eagle Scout, the highest rank but I never mastered swimming, diving and life-saving.  I am considering finding a local troop and attaining that rank if they will let me.