Monday, July 24, 2023

Bill Kirby and "Fear, Fun and Filoz"

A Wisconsin poet, Patrica Williams, emailed me a few days ago and wrote that she mentioned me in her latest book, "Rejection to Acceptance."  The title refers to the journey a poem makes from an idea to a composition through revision to completion to consideration for publication to publication.  It turns out that my blog posted on "Fear, Fun and Filoz" on March 22, 2022 got her thinking about the place of "important" papers in one's life that document birth, death and important moments in our lives.

She wrote to me that anything can inspire a poem and that the more obscure, the better.  Out of grateful appreciation for her attention, I offer this obscure and attractive statement:

उन्होंने मुझे लिखा कि कोई भी चीज़ कविता को प्रेरित कर सकती है और जितनी अधिक अस्पष्ट, उतना बेहतर।