Monday, June 26, 2023

.gov sites

I guess most people, like me, tend to think of web addresses as ending with ".com".  But recently, I found the site "".  It is from the US Bureau of Standards and gives the time in the various time zones of the US. It even tries to give a figure for allowing for the information transmission time to the device being used.  That feature reminded me of reading about astronomers in the 1800's realizing that light from an astronomical event took time to reach their eyes and should be accounted for.  I got interested in trying to place a phone call at a given time.

More recently, I found the National Weather Service site helpful in getting a feel for a day's weather.  Using Firefox browser, I enter "NWS" and click my way to the radar page.  Wisconsin is at the top of the US but open to weather from Canada as well as east-moving storms from the US west.  Seeing well above and on all sides of the state often gives me an idea of what's what.  

Recently, our normally high quality air is negatively affected by Canadian forest fires.  The site "" asks for a ZIP code and gives the air quality around there.