Child shoots teacher
I taught the 5th grade for four years. I was obligated to teach at least two after getting tax subsidies for my college education. During those years, I never saw a gun or a knife. We didn't have fights, either. I did read in the linked information above that children as young as the Virginia youngster committed crimes that were shocking in 2000, 2001 and 2011.
The news report said that the teacher raised her hand and the shot passed through her hand and into her chest. She was outstanding in the care she gave to her class, getting them to safety before seeking help. I am confident that no course or lecture in her education and teaching courses explained a good procedure to follow after being shot by one of the students.
No students, parents or other teachers threatened me or did me any harm. I got on the outs once or twice with the administrators. A magician showed up once and everyone was supposed to interrupt their class and go to the auditorium for his show. There was no warning and my lesson was going very well. The vice principal was annoyed with me for not getting my class there sooner and she barred our entry. I had my students sit down on the floor where I supposed we would be able to at least hear what was going on. I don't think we ever got admitted. That class has been stunted in the magical arts ever since.
I did help the principal out once. He actually lived rather far from the school and I, by complete chance, rented an apartment in the house next door. The school was in a semi-rural area. One day, riding to school with him, our way was blocked by a good sized goat standing in the road. My principal was some sort of military office in the National Guard or something. He pulled up near the goat and gave an order:"Kirby, get that goat out of there." I don't know goats but this didn't look friendly. I approached gingerly and took hold of its impressive horns. I rode the horns backwards to the nearby farm where there was a frayed rope on the ground. Got to class without injury or further mishap.
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