Monday, October 3, 2022

Everything all the time

I think giving myself a commitment to write daily has been a good idea.  I appreciate the effect of knowing that each day needs to be examined for some seed of a comment. So, writers like Seth Godin who send out a comment daily are of interest.   Some days, Godin hits an especially good note. Here is his post today:

"What's on tonight?"

This common question no longer means anything.

Every TV show is on. All the time.

Our record collection streams every record ever recorded.

And our readers can find and display just about any book we can name.

We haven't thought about the impacts of this abundance nearly as much as it deserves. Live matters less, scarcity is not really a factor, and ubiquity of access can easily lead to boredom, lack of status and a search for real-time connection.

Success used to be based on gatekeepers and access to access. What are the new rules?

I enjoy trying to keep an eye out for what seems like basic change.  I am interested in the internet and widespread communication and availability of documents and items of many kinds.