Five worthwhile books
I have mentioned the books by Louann Brizendine, MD before but they are worth mentioning again.
The Female Brain - women's brains get hormone baths all through their years of fertility
The Male Brain
The Upgrade - after fertility stops, the female brain is even sharper
The book by David R. Hamilton called "Why Woo-woo Works: The Surprising Science Behind Meditation, Reiki, Crystals and Other Alternative Practices." He has a PhD in organic chemistry, not the sort of background for a man who deals in, and uses "alternative practices." He got into the subject because as a research chemist, he learned he had to work with the placebo effect. That is the sort of happening where a person in a drug evaluation experiment is told that he has been given the drug being tested but has actually been given a sugar pill. Then, the person gets well! This sort of occurrence happens and is an instance of the placebo effect.
Book #5 is "The WEIRDest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous". The book discusses the different psychological and cultural characteristics of Americans and Europeans and how they differ for other people on our planet. The differences matter since they affect the results and conclusions of much of the research conducted these days.
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