Monday, November 8, 2021

Town atmosphere

Stevens Point has an outdoor famer's market in the downtown public square on Saturday mornings during the summer. It is a fun place to visit.  This past Saturday morning, an indoor market opened in the Boys and Girls Club building.  It was surprising how neatly the stalls and stands were arranged by 8 AM.  

The spirits and smiles reminded me how often I see cheer and friendliness in this small city of 26,000.  Lynn made a slide-tape presentation about the history of the town in 1978.  Here is a link to the video 

Reasons For St. Pt.

This town has a good spirit.  The people are balanced and cheerful.  We have experienced community spirit in other places that aren't as optimistic and "can-do".  Maybe the spirit has to do with the fact that it is a college town.  Maybe it is the ethnic mix and background of the people.  

I know that I haven't even met every Point citizen and nobody is upbeat all the time but the town does seem to have a good share of cheer.