I think the concept of privacy is akin to the concept of freedom. Both words get tossed around quite a bit. Both command attention and in many cases, allegiance and respect. "Let's respect each other's privacy." "Let's protect our freedom."
What privacy do I have? What privacy do I want? When I think of my whereabouts, I think of Google Location services. It keeps track of where I go and about once a week, I get a report of where I have been. Recently, I used Google Location to figure out what restaurant we ate dinner in the other night. You could remember a nice dinner without no stinkin' location service but you are young and fresh. I am old and stale and I like having assistance from computers and connections between computers.
Somewhat like Location services, there is Google search. When people say "I Googled him", they usually mean they used Google search to see what they could find about someone. Generally, if the person is named "Jane Doe", many people will be involved in search results while results pertaining directly to your friend Melody Ann Hassenpfeffer may be easier to find if you use her less-common name.
I looked up my daughter in Google. When I looked up her name, I found many pictures of people but none of her. I thought it might be better if I looked up "my daughter". That search resulted in well over 15 Billion results. I am too old and too blasé to check all of the results but the first page of them was not promising. If I want to know more about her, it would be better to ask her or her husband. It might be invading her privacy to park in front of her house and video the comings and goings.
Sometimes I get the impression that Google doesn't pay enough attention to me. I'm a good person. How come you get followed and recorded and discussed while I get zilch?
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