Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Going on and not

Living when you are in your 80's and beyond may be easier if you have a balance between working for a good life and accepting downsides and the ending.  I have read that a good portion of a person's lifetime medical expenses often come from one's final six months. In many cases, we don't know that we are in our final six months.  It can be natural to work toward staying alive but at some point, it may be clearer that life is ending.  

I think most of us get mixtures of messages: some that we are doing all right and some that we are aging, slipping, wearing out.  All life, whether plants or animals, have a very strong push to stay alive.  However, human minds can sometimes tell that life is ending, whether we have that tendency or not.  

I Googled "How many humans have died?" and found this:

100,825,272,791 people

Here's what I've got: Roughly 100,825,272,791 people have ever died. Let's call it 100.8 billion if you're struggling to read a number that long. That figure comes with help from Carl Haub, a senior demographer at the Population Reference Bureau, a nonprofit organization that studies population trends.Oct 14, 2015

What Are The Demographics Of Heaven? | FiveThirtyEight

There are about 7.8 billion people alive now so we would not be the first people to succumb to death.  You can see that more than 100 billion have died and about 8 billions have not, or roughly 92% have already undergone death. That estimate comes from the FiveThirtyEight group, a very successful and respected organization of statisticians.  

For a different and slightly earlier statement, here is one from the BBC amd Mona Chalabi, another professional statistician:

People also ask

How many total humans have existed?

107 billion people

There are currently seven billion people alive today and the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived.Feb 4, 2012

Do the dead outnumber the living? - BBC News

It seems to me that we can strike a useful middle ground between appreciating the life we have and accepting its end.