Sunday, March 14, 2021

Daylight saving, being interesting, meditating and comics

I forgot that daylight savings time starts today but Lynn didn't forget.  I have heard of controversy, some people think it should always be on and some think it should never be.  I like the change, even when caught off-guard.  

When Lynn gets on Zoom, she laughs and jokes.  Does she enjoy her Zoomers more than me?  Should I connect with her over Zoom from a different room?  Would I be wittier?  Would I be more romantic or attractive or fun on a small monitor screen?

Several older people, 70 or more, have noted their minds move more slowly now.  It is well known that recall of names is especially likely to create a "senior moment" where the recaller knows the name but cannot get a good grip on it.  Such senior moments often show the memory is there and can be retrieved but that it may take more seconds or minutes than it used to.  As life goes on, we all get more experiences and thus more memories.  I have read that some of the slowing is literally attributable to have a full head.  I think there are several reasons that older people have a tendency to sit quietly and consider memories and life and what it is all about.  It may well be easier to watch thoughts go by and notice their contents when things move more slowly.  Some people get into trying to give children and young people meditative habits but elders may be better situated to meditate, ruminate and enjoy doing so.  

Today is Sunday, March 14, 2021.  I recommend the Zits cartoon and the Doonesbury cartoon of today.  Zits is about responsible behavior and Doonesbury is about end-of-the-world scenarios, both interesting subjects.