Aw, smile!
There are gifts and assets that come along all the time. I don't know of a good way to estimate how often we can see the value in an event, a tool, a purchase, or a comment. I guess that humans are programmed by their nervous systems to see threats and disappointments more quickly than to see advantages and positive possibilities.
I can feel in myself and see in my friends an impatience, a hurry to achieve my goals, and satisfy my needs. It feels natural to want things NOW and not have to stand in line, wait for the light to change, or go back downstairs to get the thing I forgot. Whether it is a power failure, an empty gas tank, a sore knee or a burned dish, things will often not go as I planned. Lacking patience, energy and interest, I don't follow up, but I bet the heavenly ledgers show that what I am snarling about today contributes to effects in six hour or six days or six months to things I am happy about.
I saw an article in Pocket the other day on the value of being grumpy.
Years ago, I read Loren Eisley, a biologist, comment on a tendency of male primates like me and gorillas to be grumpy and surly, more so as they age. There are many books and articles on the value of seeing the positive where one can. There is a scene of the Crucifixion in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" that emphasizes the value of always dwelling on the positive side of life, but such advice and those who tout it seem wrong, weak, scammers to many who would rather growl and suspect than smile and hope. Real cheer and genuine hope is for girls, not gruff he-men. In a world full of battle, failure, treachery, pain and death, it is difficult and challenging to consider this might be a very good world with excellent beauty and joy for the taking.
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