Friday, October 9, 2020

I'll be here for a while

We got a call last night.  My echo cardiogram was good.  My four heart valves are behaving normally.  Looks like I won't be leaving just yet.

I'm glad to continue on for a while.  The countries of the world have assured me that they are prepared to carry on without me.  My wife says that she too is willing to die, but that I had better not leave before her.  Women, and indeed mammal females in general, are well known to live longer than men and males, but I intend to buckle down, bite the bullet, give it the old elementary school try, hitch up my belt, and pay attention to living long and right.

If I am good and I don't do anything stupid, if my luck holds out, if I don't waste my money, if I look where I'm going, if I don't drive too fast, I should last a while.  Piece of cake!