Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Not him again!

We have been getting a little tense with each other.  Not all the time but in spurts. Yesterday, we walked about a mile around the neighborhood and Lynn mentioned that she has been getting into a somewhat scrappy, negative mood.  Today, the same mood emerged a bit stronger. She can get tired of me, my voice, my company, my opinions.  

I think I have developed an automatic questioning habit.  You say you like my hat. I ask


What about it makes you like it?  

Got any hats of your own that you like for similar reasons? 

When did you first like the hat?  

How long will you continue to like it?"  

You can see that I can wear thin on a person and become annoying, even.  

For a while, this coronavirus seemed like a real threat to us and Lynn has avoided going out or shopping or meeting with friends.  We did visit our grandkids and their children for about 15 minutes at each of the two households. We stood on the lawn and they remained on their elevated back porches.  Those visits were a big deal and the first time Lynn saw anybody but me in about ten days.  

She was in need of hearing female voices and talked to a friend on the phone.  She called a 2nd friend and now she is willing to put up with me for a few more days.