Evaluation fatigue
I don't own a smart phone. I am afraid I would checking too much stuff in Google all the time. But my friend said that just about every time he leaves a restaurant, he gets a message on his phone to judge the meal, the service and other aspects of the visit. His comment fits with what could be called "evaluation fatigue".
From a robot viewpoint, it may be plausible to ask each user to evaluate an experience. For instance,
How do you feel about this blog post, up to here?
Do you feel this post is much better than most posts on this blog, about the same or noticeably worse?
Would you advise a friend to try reading this blog?
How about an enemy?
Teachers sometimes say that grading students or their work is the most unpleasant part of their job. Visitors to a restaurant, blog readers and anyone else may feel that they are simply not interested in forming or communicating an opinion about an experience. As I walk out of a shop or finish watching a movie, I may not be in the mood to form a judgment on the experience. I may be thinking of the cute shopgirl or my irritation with the poor fit of all the clothes I tried and have no interest in deciding, in some supposedly fair and even-handed way, what I think of the shop, its location, its prices, the variety of its goods, etc.
I could try the John Holt method of always saying that the visit was the most exciting of my life and was unmatched by any other shopping I have done. But I don't want to lie, I don't want to promise to get back to the questionnaire. I wasn't thinking about the shop or its goods and I don't want to talk about it.
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