Friday, June 28, 2019

Too much to write about

My wife gets too much email.  I get quite a bit and I bet you get some that does not interest you, stuff you didn't ask for and don't want.  

I like to write down a note about any idea that comes to mind during the day that might be good for a blog post.  Some days, quite a few came to mind. I don't want to post or send out more than one item a day. Today, I have a miscellany of ideas.

A item in the local paper states that Packer fans are not the best fans.  I was pleased that the article in the local paper about Prof. Michael Lewis of Emory University quickly moved to the criteria.  For people in evaluation, which criteria and why are fundamental questions.  

I had a hymn running through my mind this morning.  There are web sites and apps that will help identify a tune, some even say they can help if you tap out the rhythm.  I am not good at singing, humming or whistling. I tried to sing the tune to Lynn but I didn't do well. Now, I have lost the tune in my mind.  I did look thru the index in a Methodist hymnal and a Lutheran one.  

I am surprised at how rich a result stems from simply following language.  Where does communication take place and with whom? According to "The 10,000 Year Explosion", the period of the last 10,000 years has seen the invention of writing and of agriculture.  Human speech is much older. But if you include both speech and writing, you can see how ideas are invented in a mind but quickly spread to others. The group around Socrates and the group of friends knitting and talking, not to mention the "500 million blogs on the internet", can cover many subjects and create both support and opposition to ideas and movements.

Speaking of blogs, take a look at a new one, just created recently by V. McGlone, PhD.  It's called "Where's my watch?" because McGlone is surprised to find a watch isn't needed in retirement.