Thursday, April 4, 2019

Big corporations

I hear anti-big corportation talk but I rarely hear any pro-big corporation talk.  I imagine if you work for a big corporation, you get enough pro-company comments and material.  I know that there have been times when the government has said a corporation is too big and controls too great a share of the market.  

But I am suspicious of what I hear.  I suspect that a large corporation with a clear goal and efficient, dedicated employees trying to reach that goal, contribute both to my life and to the world.  I am not sure how big a company has to be to qualify as "big". Many of the products and services I use often are possible because of large, well-organized networks of people intelligently cooperating.  I use the internet multiple times a day and I use several computers and other devices. Neither the net nor the devices would exist without large corporations that create, sell and service them. My water system, the heating of my house, my car and fuel to run it, my food and energy to cook it, the electricity that runs my lights - many cooperative efforts of educated, experienced people make all that possible.

I haven't read much about monopoly-busting or particular corporate misdeeds but I am confident there are some, both in the past and now.  Still, I suspect that the term "big corporations" is a handy one for efforts to confuse and frighten people. From childhood on, it is easy to be afraid of bad guys (and girls).  We live in an era of "content", that is, there is a widespread hunger for stories and entertainment, not to mention political talk and attempts at persuasion and the creation of loyalty as well as division.  It is much easier to construct a typical story if there is a villain to blame and fear. In some cases, it is easier to get your allegiance if you are convinced that there are people to fear, bad people with malevolent designs, and I will keep you safe.