Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Today Lynn and a friend gave a talk about planned communities.  Both worked hard and long on their parts but a giant problem popped up as they began.  The classroom projector, the internet connection and related tools wouldn't work. All sorts of help was called in but basically, they had to do the whole thing from what they could remember of what they had assembled.  

Yes, we are in the age of electronic communication.  It is a new age. It can't arrange everything but many aspects of life have been altered.  Sure, older people think they can safely leave everything to the teenagers and the 20 yr olds - until they themselves start shopping online and sending each other intimate pictures.  

Lynn lived in what is thought to be the first planned community that planned ahead for the presence, convenience and dangers of automobiles.  The ability to move around, to move farther and faster, to transport more stuff all matter very much to our lives. People often use the word "technology" to mean smartphones and Instagram, as though pencils, rolling pins and gas stoves aren't technology. Many kinds of objects, materials and processes are involved by human ingenuity and human purposes.  

Ok, take sponges, for instance.  https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=sponge

People absorb information "like sponges".  They "sponge" off each other. They use natural and manufactured sponges for all sorts of purposes, from bathing to making pottery to blotting up spills.  


There are sorts of tools, products and processes going on in the human world.  You can't really expect to keep up with everything.