Monday, December 31, 2018

Writing daily

Eric Barker writes a free column each week.  It is often something to do to live better. He tries to back up ideas and suggestions with evidence and does a good job. Yesterday's column was about the power of personal writing.

Just like many ancients and Michel de Montaigne in the 1500's, I find that writing daily fills my time with valuable activity and thought. If you know you are committed to write something for the day, you become aware of your thoughts, your reactions, your perceptions since you are on the outlook for what to write about.  I find that noticing up to five subjects and jotting a note for each of them helps me get motivated. I am eager to write but what about? There are times when none of my notes appeal and I pick something else. Once in a while, a picture or a quotation from a book feels more appropriate.

It is no secret that our lives are ticking away and yet it is easy to forget that this minute never happened before, this breath is part of a fabulous system that fuels our lives, that your friendship is precious, that some things and people justifiably irritate you, that you have fears and hopes.  Deciding which ones to mention and what to say about them puts your language skills into play. Having a slightly sore throat is different from having one that I frame words, descriptions about, reactions to such a rotten occurrence - selecting words lets me think from a short distance away.  I get a chance to consider what's up in the world, in my world, in me from a slight distance that gives me a valuable and comforting perspective.

I find it helps to put my thoughts out where others can see them and sometimes react to them.  I realize many people want and need to think about private matters or about matters that require security, not publicity.