Monday, November 5, 2018

Changed my life forever!

Changed my life forever! What did? Everything.  Anything. All the things. The last minute, the most recent moment - never ever had that before.  This last minute that just happened was unique. I admit that it was a rather calm minute. No fireworks or explosions or trumpets announcing the moment.  

Heraclitus had it right: you can't step into the same river twice.  But, Heray, it is not just the river. You can't live the same second twice.  When the next second is going by, it is doing so with that unique previous second in its history.  No other second that that same exact previous second as its immediate predecessor.

Each moment is unique.  I know it is not what is on your mind.  You have other worries and hopes. So do I.  But what we call LIFE is continuously unfolding.  Everything changes, ages, develops, deteriorates, slides, improves, falls apart - all the blooming time!  ALL the time!!