Thursday, September 27, 2018

Getting shot

Google News and signs around town said that it is a good time to get a flu shot.  Lynn was busy but she interrupted herself and we took off for Walgreen's. We have been trying to get the new version of a shingles shot so we said we wanted both flu and shingles.  The shingles is a two-step, one today and one in a couple of months. Lynn hasn't had trouble with the disease but I had a mild outbreak 18 years ago. This two-step deal is supposed to be quite effective.

We were told that oldsters like us are advised to get a stronger flu shot.  But, sorry, they were out of that stuff. We got the shingles and that included a bright red band aid over the shot site.  The pharmacist said that he had been in Nigeria giving out oral polio vaccines. Babies and parents and everybody wanted one of those red band aids, as they had seen on tv.

When we got home, I called the local Wal-Mart and yes, their pharmacy gives shots and yes, they had the extra strong stuff for elders.  Lynn has been suffering a sore back and she drew the line at two shots and any possible reactions in one day. I went over and got the shot.  I was given a new sort of bandage over the shot site. It is a ring and the pharmacist put the needle in me right through the center of the ring.  He pointed out that he was not wearing gloves. He said researchers found too many cases of gloves being compromised while being put on. The special band-aid is supposed to be safer and more sanitary.

A sudden immersion in a tiny part of the American medical system.