Friday, May 18, 2018

NPR: Lost Mothers: Maternal Mortality in the U.S. (via the Scout Report)

NPR: Lost Mothers: Maternal Mortality in the U.S.:

The United States has a maternal death rate that is significantly higher than any other developed nation: 26.2 per 100,000 births, compared to just 9.2 in the United Kingdom, 7.3. in Canada, and 3.8 in Finland. National Public Radio (NPR) and ProPublica collaborated to create this powerful investigative series about the causes of maternal mortality in the U.S. This series, authored by ProPublica's Nina Martin and NPR's Renee Montagne, presents the stories of individual families alongside research that provides insight into why so many women in the United States face serious--and sometimes fatal-- health risks during pregnancy and childbirth. Most of the individual installments of this series are available in both audio and essay format. In addition, the series includes links to a number of outside resources that may be of interest to researchers, expecting mothers, and others concerned about maternal mortality. Visitors will find a number of such resources in the August 3rd, 2017 episode. [MMB]

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