Millennial job interview
I saw a short video on Facebook showing a Millennial participating in a job interview with a mature or older interviewer. This video is fictional but interesting. One of the statements the applicant makes is that Facebook is for "old people".
The statement immediately made me think of the reaction a campus worker had when I mentioned I was advertising some of the college activities on Instagram. "You don't belong on Instagram!" I was a newcomer to social media and took the statement to heart. Over time, I have personally tried to concentrate on a relatively few outlets I enjoy using and not get involved in too many.
Nevertheless, I remembered that statement. Just now, I asked Google "Is Instagram for old people?" 162 million results came up. I checked every one and didn't find a good answer to my question. Ok, only a few since I don't care that much. I did find that some people claiming to be 28 years old were bemoaning being old. So, it is clear that my question is somewhat ambiguous.
Since commercial and advertising interests as well as new inventions and modifications are involved, and since much of the US is somewhat obsessed with whatever is new, I am confident that "new", "exciting" and "out of date" are slippery ideas, changing rapidly and expanding and contracting with fashions, rumors and campaigns.
I spent most of my working life on a college campus and I have an interest in arranging matters so that college students get both a good education and a good career launched. I am very confident that it is easier to sketch out what we think a young person should know than it is to get that person self-aware and also knowledgeable about the job possibilities and lifestyles available. My campus, like most, has career counselors that students can work with but most college students don't take advantage of such facilities even though the counseling and the counselors' tools and training are getting better all the time. Here is the link to the job interview again: I hope this girl gets training.
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