Monday, October 16, 2017

Let us care for you

The October 9 volume of the New Yorker (black and white cartoon cover) includes an article by Rachel Aviv entitled "The Takeover".  It is non-fiction and is about a corruption of legal guardianship for senior citizens.  As we age, we may get into a state where we don't make good decisions and need help.  However, we may not.  But a colluding mess of judges and others can change me into a ward of the state with a given person selected to watch over me.  Aviv's article focuses on a professional guardian who had over 400 "wards".  The guardian has complete access to the ward's bank accounts and authorization to sell any and all property, to decision where the ward must live and similar controls.

In the case of children, mentally impaired adults and seniors who truly need help, the arrangement makes sense.  In the case of older citizens with funds, property and good health, it totally does not.

You may be able to read the article here:

Rachel Aviv has other worthwhile and protective articles here