Saturday, April 15, 2017

Google it, even it is too broad, vague or embarrassing

Just about everyone knows how to Google something.  You want to know about New York tenements and you ask Google about them.


Maybe you were taught library skills in school and between that instruction and your natural way of thinking, it may seem right to ask Google where to find "mayors of Austrian cities" to find the name of the mayor or head official of Ganz.  But Google goes right for the details, so, in that case, just put in "mayor of Ganz".  Sometimes, Google tries to be helpful so when I did that just now, the software noted I was in America and delivered information about a man named Ganz running for mayor.  When I added "Austria", I found the mayor's name immediately.


You may not be able to think entirely new thoughts or even want to. Certain subjects matter to you more than others and they will come up more often.  You work as a welder and not as a pastor so welding and related topics are going to be closer to the front of your mind than leading a congregation. When you put something related to welding into Google, previous searches, especially of recent days, may come up.  You are not the only welder there is and other welders are also wondering some of the things you are wondering.  So, when you start to write a query, Google may immediately suggest what you are after since others have searched for the same question.


Just now in writing this and thinking about underlining in books, I put "What searches have I made in Google?"  into Google.  I am going to stop writing now and carry out some of the procedures and ideas mentioned on this page:

I find I am improving my knowledge by using Google for any question or difficulty I am having, including personal things such as feeling sad.