Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fwd: Why the Border Wall May Not Matter, School Suspension Disparities, and More

Brookings scholars and free newsletters can be helpful and uplifting.  I usually just read further in if the subject is of interest.  Almost everything in the future, near or far, is a bit questionable but predictions can vary according to one's knowledge and intent in writing.
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From: Brookings Brief <>
Date: Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 6:35 AM
Subject: Why the Border Wall May Not Matter, School Suspension Disparities, and More

A guide to the French election, how Trump's budget hurts educational TV, and negotiating strategies for Trump's administration.
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The Brookings Brief
March 25, 2017
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New this week

Undocumented immigration from Latin America will slow to a crawl. As part of the Spring 2017 edition of the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, economists from the University of California San Diego find that weak labor-supply growth in Mexico and other Latin American countries will cause young, low-skilled workers to stop crossing the border entirely by 2050—even without the implementation of Trump's border policies. Read a quick roundup of the latest economic research presented at the BPEA conference this week or read all six papers in full.

A brief guide to the French election. This week, candidates took part in the first televised debate of France's presidential election, arguing over the EU, security, and more. With just one month left before the first round vote, Philippe Le Corre provides a handy guide for getting to know the top contenders. 

Racial disparities in school suspensions. An analysis of data from California schools finds that African-American students continue to be suspended at a higher rate than other ethnic groups. Listen to Tom Loveless discuss his findings and explore the full 2017 Brown Center Report on American Education to also see what foreign exchange students think about U.S. schools and how American students are performing on international assessments.

How the Trump administration can start negotiating from strength. As Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reschedules his NATO meeting with foreign ministers, Bruce Jones and Will Moreland explain how the session can set the stage for renewed security cooperation among trans-Atlantic partners. They highlight a recently released bipartisan national security strategy that concludes a policy of building "situations of strength" with allies—especially in Europe—will best serve U.S. interests.

What Trump's budget means for Big Bird. Sesame Street itself may survive proposed budget cuts, but Melissa Kearney and Phillip Levine explain what children from disadvantaged backgrounds miss out on when they lose access to educational programming. 

What our experts are reading

Impressive interactive: Tax Credits under the Affordable Care Act vs American Health Care Act: An Interactive Map (@davidmwessel)

This is a thoughtful overview from Tanvi Misra on pros/cons of Baltimore's decision to raise its min wage to $15/hour (@berubea1)

Heartening example of the potential of online learning for refugees (@MaysaJalbout)


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