Monday, January 2, 2017

Fwd: Happy New Year 2017

Lynn writes a weekly letter and this one brings good 2017 wishes for everyone from her.

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Date: Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 9:29 AM
Subject: Happy New Year 2017

January 1, 2017. I hope it is a good year for all of us, for our country, and the health of the world. We'll see.

Sorry I didn't write last week, but maybe you didn't even notice. I was busy all day and forgot it was Sunday. The fact that we didn't have meeting (I would have been the only one there), which is what reminds me to write, and that had something to do with it.

Today I will run meeting, not something I usually do, and I have to leave soon to do it, so this will be brief. (Everyone else, except one family, is away.)

Did you have a good Christmas? We did. We went to Heather's for Christmas Eve dinner. This is the first  time she has hosted the family for any event, because they never had room before. Monica's family didn't go because they always celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve with Justin's family. This is a good holiday for Heather to host, since Monica and Noah are both extremely allergic, like throats closing up, to cats, and Heather has cats. 

We had family gift opening and brunch at Monica's, along with an ice storm in the area. Beth and Dave drove to Neenah in the afternoon for a farewell party for one of his brothers who is moving to Alabama. The trip there wasn't too bad, but they had to be very careful on the trip home. I was really relieved when they got home and called.

The main things that happened to me this week had to do with pottery. Aside from starting my 2017 record keeping, I went to two studios and retrieved all my work. One place nothing had sold since May, which was the first time I took anything there. They had them displayed in the room where the only other thing sold was their huge collection of really unusual greeting cards. The other place had sold nothing but 2 mugs in the last two years. It is in a tiny town (population 191) where nobody goes, she is only open 3 days a week, and she is more interested in the classes she teaches there than in selling anything. So my pots were really there for decoration. Anyway, I feel good about getting my stuff back. 

I also applied for membership in Gallery Q. I did sell 8 pieces there in their Christmas sale, and they all liked my work. This gallery is on Main Street, downtown, and has a lot more foot traffic than either of the other places.

Yesterday we went to a New Year's Eve party that had as time: 2:00 pm until early evening. We knew almost all the people there, and the house where it was held is beautiful. There was no heavy drinking, lots of good food, and a very nice atmosphere. We left about 5:30, and it was just right. We didn't see the ball drop.

So have a good week, getting back into your normal activities. Do you have any resolutions? I am hoping to have the motivation to go to the Y more regularly, but I don't have any resolutions, since I never keep them.

Don't forget to put up your new calendars.

Love, Lynn