Friday, October 21, 2016

Our Town: Stevens Point film to be shown three more times

The outpouring of interest has caught the UWSP Archives by surprise.  They are responding with three additional showings of the recently discovered 1954 film depicting the Stevens Point of the time, directed by Robert Carson, was discovered by Brad Casselberry, Assistant Archivist. There has been a tremendous show of interest in the movie from old and young citizens alike.  The first screening completely filled the theater and even a second showing was clearly inadequate.

The three additional showings are scheduled for

Tues, 11/1 at 5 PM in the DUC (Dreyfus University Center) theater
Mon, 11/7 at 6 PM in the DUC theater
Sat. 11/12 at 2 PM in the Pinery Room of the Portage County Public Library

The film lasts an hour and includes music that is copyrighted.  Copies of the film on DVD are available from the UWSP Archives for $20 each.