Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Twitter hobby

Ebooks from Amazon can be read on a Kindle reader, an Amazon Fire tablet, a computer or other tablets such as an iPad.  It is easy to mark any passage that seems noteworthy and the highlights can be sent to your email address.  In addition, passages can be sent to Goodreads, to the Amazon collection of highlights, to Facebook and to Twitter.

I have found Facebook a little too pushy in asking me all the time if I know this person or that.  But I do use Twitter and have about 2900 short comments in @olderkirby on Twitter.  Whether I am sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon, at home in the living room or waiting for an oil change in the car, I can come upon a moving sentence or gripping description and can send it onto Twitter.  I have about 160 followers on Twitter and they each get every comment ("Tweet") I post.

I only look at my Twitter account once or twice a week and I am confident that I miss much of what others post.  So, I imagine that many people skip over what I post, too.  But the posted comments make a good collection of notes from books I have read that are of interest to me, at least.  Twitter will download all the tweets a user has made in one file.  It is interesting to look over what I have noted in the years past.  I started using Twitter in 2012 so my notes don't go back very far.  It is fun, nevertheless, to look over the record of day-by-day highlights and comments I made about a book a while back.

It is a very common comment to note that a book is a trip, a ship, a voyage to somewhere else.  That is what reading often feels like to me.  Just now, I am listening to the audio form of "Lab Girl" by Hope Jahren, a 40 something scientist who has won awards for her work.  I am only in the beginning of the book but I can see that much if not all of her work is about plants. She has already said some gripping things about plants, such as there is 600 times as much life on land on this planet as there is in the ocean.

But for a scientist, Hope Jahren writes personally as well as professionally.  She has already taken me on a walk from her scientist father's labs in the community college of a small Minnesota town to her house and explained how she feels about her ftown, her house and life in a Scandinavian family.  Although I am listening to the book, I also bought the electronic version of the print format, which I use to look in more detail about her comments and from which I can post tweets of parts that interest me.