Monday, June 27, 2016

Cellphones still on the mind

We spent quite an hour working over our contacts and their phone numbers to get them into our phones the way we want them.

I know that teens, college students and employees in meetings as well as people in restaurants and theaters sometimes have people among them who leave cellphones, letting a ring interrupt the proceedings. Naturally, the person who actually answers the call is asking for trouble.

I have read that cellphone jammers are illegal, based on a 1934 law.  I don't know the law but I have seen enough and heard enough from teachers and meeting managers to know that taking phone calls in a group or a class or at the family dinner table is bad manners, bad form and a good way to get on the wrong side of those present.  

A friend told me tonight that she would be interested to see how I act if we go to dinner with her and her granddaughter and the young woman's girlfriend if one or both starts to use her phone at the restaurant table.  

I found these articles among others on the subject of inappropriate phone use in public:​ use of smartphones in meetings

(This is a later hour than I usually use for sending the blog posts.  I will try leaving the links in and see how it goes.)