Sunday, August 16, 2015

No erasures!

Don't kid yourself.  Senior citizens are smart.  Ok, not always and even when they are smart, they may not look or sound smart.  Our bus was in motion and we were approaching the Canadian border.  Our guide gave each of us a form to hand to the Canadian officer.  We were warned: Be extremely careful when filling out this form.  No erasures are allowed!  If you make a mistake, tell her and she will give you a new form.  Ok, now, line 1.  See?  It says Last name, comma, first name.  Just put one letter per little box.

Should we put in our own comma between our last name and our first name?

Should there be a space between the last letter of the last name, which comes before the first name I know, and the comma?

Must the first letter of the last name be capitalized?

Should there be an empty box between the comma and the first letter of the first name?

What if my last name and my first name won't fit on line 1?

Oh, my!  I smeared the ink on my form.  Ok, here is a new form.

My pen ran dry.  Can I borrow someone's?

I know you said to check the No boxes but I have a little package of peanuts that has not been opened.  Should I check "No" (have no food)?  You said to be honest and I don't want to get into trouble.

Aw, do I have to start over again?

We were warned that this was a serious matter and things would not go well if we laughed or joked about anything, proper or improper.  No jokes!  In fact, don't speak unless spoken to.  For goodness sake, don't try to be chatty or buddy-buddy.

I don't know if anyone has had to sit on the Canadian border, endlessly starting over on yet another clean form.  I hope not.  I do recommend you not enter Canada alone.  Much more uplifting and merry to go in a bus of 40 adult, concerned, educated and mature citizens trying to do everything the way they are supposed to.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety

Twitter: @olderkirby