Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Some of the things she has been doing for the last 70 years

acrobat - was doing twists and turns while I was learning to stand on one foot
2nd grade teacher - began teaching in 1970 on western edge of small Wisconsin paper-making town
cook - excellent cook from first days of our marriage to yesterday.  Hypnotic desserts and casseroles
curriculum chair for LIFE - nerve center for ideas and program plans, lots of meetings and emails
dancer - has performed in public many times, ran me around the dance floor
daughter - took care of her aging mother while living 170 miles away in another state, legal issues
driver - carts people and goods around locale, state, country
evaluator - campus and other projects evaluator
family charity officer - I didn't know when I started asking the tender hearted but penny-conscious member of our  team to dole out charity funds that it would be the most onerous of her roles, too much paper each day
founder of local NAMI - families of mentally ill unite and she founded the local chapter
French horn player - throughout high school.  We just priced them at $2-14 thousand
gamer: Words with Friends, Scramble, computer solitaire, chess
gardener - raises vegetables, creates and maintains flower beds
Girl Scout leader
grandmother - maintains contacts with two granddaughters and their families
greatgrandmother - despite her own aging, is close to 2 lively greatgrandsons and 2 perky, smart greatgranddaughters
historian - knows history of our marriage, her family, wrote "Who We Came From"
Hospice worker - cared for 6 different Hospice patients
interior decorator - laid out design of rooms, painted them, found and conferred with upholsterers, rug and flooring firms
jeweler - made and sold jewelry
knitter - sweaters and scarves
landscaper- laid out our grounds, trees and beds.  Oversaw prairie and fought invasive species for years
launderer - does the laundry each week
lecturer - gave professional presentations in New Orleans, taught classes on several campuses, older adults
librarian - school, local and campus libraries
Lutheran - 40 years
Meals on Wheels - driver
mother- of two daughters, one mentally ill who died of brain cancer
painter - we have several paintings on our walls by her
photographer - several cameras, several courses, Facebook and other displays
pianist - plays at home, since high school
poet - some moving poems online and elsewhere
potter - has home studio, sold several pieces
professor - PhD at age 54, faculty at several schools, taught computer and Audio-visual classes
Quaker - local, state and regional contributions
seamstress - made wedding dresses, children's clothes
sister - close to her brother
sister-in-law - friends with sisters in law
skater - roller (got street skates for 60th birthday by request, ice skater, circles husband on ice)
technician - responsible for computers and A-V equipment in school, has master's in AV methods
tennis player - 3.5 level player, went to state tournament several times
web master - professional and amateur, got me started
writer - dissertation, family history, blogger

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety