Friday, August 1, 2014

Running a tight ship loosely

Feeling dissipated and disorganized.  I am interested in writing this blog, keeping up with friendships, keeping the lawn cut, trimming the grass around beds, and trees.  I can call a halt to anything at any time but that is not the goal.  The goal is to have everything done right all the time.  I know where my goals and my schedule come from: me!  I don't think I have overdone my plans.  In fact, they may be underdone.

My time use seems similar to my running.  I keep reading that running, even such slow jogging that can hardly be distinguished from walking, is good for me: heart, lungs, legs.  I haven't checked but I am confident that some of my "running" is actually slower than my fast walking.  So, while dutifully getting a run into my day, I am trying to avoid deciding that I have aged enough that it is no longer important.  Just moving about may now be about the right challenge.  I don't actually think so but maybe.

Maybe I am not so disorganized.  Maybe I am using my time "appropriately".  Maybe this and maybe that.  I can already see my friend's comments to "lighten up" but I don't want to lighten up.  I want to win, to be on target, to be praiseworthy in my own eyes and in those of others.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety