Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Real or imagined?

It seems that diaries and the dates on photos are gaining importance in our lives.  Lynn is quite interested in “co-housing”, one of the names given to planned multiple housing units aimed at housing people of a variety of ages and/or at allowing them to share property, some meals and social events.  I am feeling much more cautious and doubtful about such living arrangements or joining or moving before I have to physically.

The other day, I reminded her of a visit she and I paid to two such facilities.  She got all upset because she could not remember such a visit and took the lack of memory to be a sign of dementia.  Since I forget things all the time and have done regularly since childhood, I didn’t agree that it was a sign that she was mentally deteriorating.  Then, she remembered that there have been times when I told a story of something happening to me that she knew had happened to her, not to me.  So, she thought maybe between descriptions of the trip she took to the co-housing with friends before I went and pictures she showed me she had taken on that earlier trip, that I was pulling my old trick and imagining doing what she had done without me.

We both scoured diaries, my blog, our files and other sources for confirmation that we made the trip I say we did but were unable to find any convincing reference.

It is not a matter of grave importance and sometime we may get a good answer as to whether I made such a trip.  I am not giving in without good evidence and I may not ever get that.  In the meantime, I am considering documenting all my days with a video camera attached to my hat.

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety