Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Person behind these posts

The only person who has known me longer than Mrs. C. is my sister, who is a couple of years younger than I am.  Mrs. C. and I were in the 6th grade together.   Later, in the 8th grade, I wanted to go to the movies with a girl.  I thought of who seemed physically attractive to me and I thought of Mrs. C, way before she was married.  I had had a movie date with a girl in the 3rd grade but I don't think I dated any more until Mrs. C. and I went to see 'The Prince Who Was a Thief' with Tony Curtis and Piper Laurie.  

Mrs. C. was found by Mr. C. about a decade later and she and I lost track.  But we have always admired and understood each other and have thought fondly of each other.  As a surprise, on the very day of my 60th birthday, I received a post card from her giving an address, phone number and email address.  We have communicated at least once a week since that day more than 10 years ago.  She knows a good deal about my life and interests.

When I retired, I was looking for a way to express ideas, interests and experiences I have and slowly moved into writing these blog posts, daily when possible.  I am a geeky, nerdy, bookish sort of guy and I have lots of interests in mathematics, statistics, computing, philosophy and some fiction and literature.  I also love reflecting on my life, believing that the examined life lived consciously is considerably more fun that merely existing is.  So, I enjoy writing geeky, nerdy, bookish posts about math, computers, philosophy and such.  

But some friends, lead by Mrs. C. sometimes say that stuff is ok but how about last night's dinner, or current state of health, or family events?  How about YOU?

The people who receive these blog posts by email all know me personally and most are in pretty close contact.  They know what I look like, what I sound like and what I like.  Currently, everyone in my close family is healthy and reasonably happy.  Several of my grandchildren are eager for an improvement in the economy.  Even though my wife and I moved a long distance from the East coast to the Midwest for our life here, I appreciate the value of our community and location.  It's true that we often have fierce winters and spring takes too long to get here, the people and community spirit are excellent.  I am happy that my child and her husband and children and grandchildren have managed to stay in the area, giving me and especially my wife plenty of contact with them all.  

Personally, I like to stay in shape and enjoy doing so.  I have run about 2 ½ miles three times a week regularly for more than 40 years but have recently been deterred by pain in my left knee.  I am scheduled for surgery on that knee to see if the joint can be made smoother and less painful.  I injured that knee more than 50 years ago and it has done well so far.  Here's hoping for more! (the surgery went well).

Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety