Thursday, June 9, 2011

Verification and confirmation

My wife worked for college funds as a 'verifier'.  She sat at a machine where she typed what was supposed to be punched into a computer card that had been inserted.  If what she typed and what was already punched into the card agreed, fine.  If not, a bell rang and she inspected the card to see what it said.  If it was correct, again fine.  If not, a new card had to be made.

In today's world, there are scads of scams and camouflage, from the moth that fakes being poisonous to the woman wearing explosives under her dress who pretends to be an innocent citizen.  I have read that, world-wide, thieves are realizing there is more money to be made by online scams and tricks with less risk of being shot than in bank robberies. One answer to such attempts is to quickly contact the person who claims to be making an order for 1000 live buffalo and asking if she really is making such a request.  Of course, such an attempt depends on a good connection of some kind to the person, one which honestly connects to her, gets her attention enough to elicit a good return confirming that she really does want those buffalo.

With speedy connections of many types and formats, it is increasingly possible to check with the person making the charge over the phone or verify the description, fingerprints, retinal-vein pattern, etc., etc. to see if there is an authentic deal being forged or not.  Of course, in the continuing arms race between those who are trying for honest deals and those who want a shortcut to wealth, power or pranks, there are continuing attempts to spoof, intercept, and otherwise gain from pretending to be what one is not.

Just as it is a bit frustrating to have a long series of questions when ordering a hamburger (do you want fries with that?  A coke?  Salt?  Cheese?  Cheddar or havarti?  To go or here?), it will be better if all the confirmation and verification can take place not only accurately but also very quickly.  Oh yeah, with no added tax or expense or damage to the environment.

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Main web site: Kirbyvariety