Thursday, April 28, 2011

A second coat

A friend wrote about "Selecting What to Attend To" that she liked the post and that it coincided with what she was learning in her Yoga Teacher Training.  

I like the information in this blog post.  I am intrigued by what you say, because this is what we are studying right now in Yoga Teacher Training.  It's all so interesting.  I know this from all the meditation I have done, but I can learn something new every time I hear it.

She is, indeed, an experienced meditator but she is also a scholar.  It might be that scholarly side that allows her to patiently listen and re-immerse herself in information.

As I told her, I have a note to write about getting a 2nd coat on information and training.  Sometimes, study or learning just falls into place.  But, usually there are bumps, problems, clouds of not knowing and knots of misunderstanding or contradiction between parts of what we remember.  So, it pays to go through the learning or the drill or the book or the course or the video again.  The best way to take a course is to have taken it before.

However, if doing so seems tiresome or boring, it might do more harm than good to re-try.  I find that when I feel I have a grasp of the material but there are certain problem areas, I can usually tolerate the repetition of what I do know to try again with the troublesome parts.  And, sometimes as I am sitting through what I thought was unnecessary repetition, I realize there is quite a bit I missed or had wrong.  I also find with emotional, inspirational or spiritual material that getting another dose does me good. Listening again to a passage or re-reading it can re-inspire me as well as re-inform my brain.