I posted
a list of books I had read that I thought might be interesting enough to hold someone' attention, someone that doesn't read very much and wants to get more of the riches books hold. Then, a friend wrote that there was a book she read and remembered, one I had also read and recommended, that was one to be added to the list. It is the book "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. She was quite right. It is a memorable and interesting book and I have had reason to think of it several times lately. I include
here a link to the Kindle version. The book is rated 4 of 5 stars by 1,962 readers, the largest number of reviews I have ever seen.
I write about this because the
Amazon Daily blog has an item this morning about Martel's next book and his interesting book project. Martel noted that the prime minister of his country, Canada, didn't seem especially supportive of the arts and decided to send him a book every two weeks. He has a
web site/blog detailing his choices for a busy reader and the reasons for those choices. His first choice was The Death of Ivan Illyich, which I just downloaded to my Kindle from
here for $1.00.
The conjunction of my friend's recommendation of The Life of Pi, the Amazon blog's note of Martel's 2nd book and his very interesting project of sending a book regularly to his prime minister and his recommendations and explanations seem to be a valuable set of coincident occurrences.
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