Saturday, July 11, 2009

What is best?

People these days are trying to figure out how to make money in today’s world.  Besides the old selling of food or oil or coffee, could the internet be used in some way? is a good model of one way as is Ebay, I guess.  (I have never been to the Ebay web site but I have friends who use it.)
Google is at the head of several lines of success.  One of the aspect of Google is its focus and simplicity.  Designers have long used the mnemonic “K.I.S.S.” or Keep It Simple, Sweetie [sometimes the last word is not Sweetie].  Authors and reviewers of Google’s gigantic success emphasize how clean Google has kept its home page.  Called the most valuable ‘space’ on the internet, Google has not succumbed to peppering ads all over it.
The eye can be overwhelmed with too much color, motion and razzamatazz.  The ear is probably not going to be mesmerized by yet another rock band track.
Since following some blogs over the last few months, I have been impressed at the power of simplicity and focused design on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac.  It is reliably the best blog I read and again, the simplicity and lack of clutter, along with good taste and excellent writing, of course, make it stand out.