Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just a little reminder

I read the other day about some study where people got daily reminders to work on eating less and losing weight.  From the little bit I saw, the group that got such reminders did better than the group that didn’t.  Such a result doesn’t surprise me.
Reminders fascinate me.  They are both simple and complex.  Peoples’ reactions to a reminder can cover an equally wide range.  My mom tells me to sit up straight.  Grrr!  I’m not a baby.  That woman is constantly hounding me.
I know an ex-librarian whose biggest burden at work was having a patron pop up at the desk needing help just when she was getting into a job that really needed doing.  Reminders are often interruptions and can produce similar reactions of frustration or impatience.
I have never actually tied a string around a finger to remind me to do something.  But the image is widely understood.  Firefox Reminder uses a paw with a blue string tied around one toe as a logo.  Sometimes, when I think of something I need to remember to do, I put an object in an odd place.  Sitting a vase of flowers on the floor or putting a book in the middle of the hallway can remind me that today is trash day.
I can picture my whole day being governed by reminders which I myself have set.  Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird have task “to-do” lists and calendars associated with them.  My valet or secretary could follow me around and remind me of the next thing I wanted to do.  I would wear one of those Bluetooth clips on my ear and be reminded by cell phone. 
The email weight loss study made me think of my changed attitude toward spiritual reading.  Since the church calendar tends to repeat year after year, I used to think “Who needs it?  I know the text and the admonitions by heart.  Why do I need to have them repeated?”  Then, I found that I actually am more kindhearted and a little bit more mindful of others’ pain, confusion and loss for a day or so if I get a reminder to tend to the spiritual side of life.  Refreshers, re-painting my mind in the desired color, re-focusing my attention on a desired goal, re-affirming an intention really do help me live more the way I want.