Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kindles lead to blogs

Preparing to talk about using the Amazon Kindle, I wanted to experience subscriptions that are regularly beamed to the Kindle. I chose the Atlantic Monthly for $1.25 a month and two blogs. My nephew, an information architect, advised me to try the Amazon daily blog, free on the Kindle. I looked for something that appealed to me and chose O'Reilly Radar, from a leading computer publisher. Naturally, they have lead to more. I want to try to be stingy about adding blogs of interest. The Kindle is not as good for exploration of web pages so I put feeds links in the bookmark toolbar of Firefox. But today's reading of Amazon and O'Reilly have lead me to Chris Anderson's Long Tail and Collecting Children's Books.

This blog here, "fear, fun and filosophy" is one of something like 40 MILLION blogs. I realize that the best of 40 million, say the top 1%, would wind me up reading over 1000 blogs daily and that would only let me visit each blog in the top group once a year. In other words, it ain't gonna happen. So, as with wonderful people, good places to visit, great foods to try and the best books and tv, I have to keep the choke on, accept new leads slowly and remember to cull every once in a while.
