When we first got married, we had very little money. Lynn offered to do the bills but it made her nervous. So paying bills became mine. That was more than 60 years ago. It involved a calculator (what's that?), stamps, envelopes and checks. I thought paying charities, sometimes involving grotesque situations and bodies, might be something a sweet lady with sympathy might do better than I would. So, I asked her to deal with donations to charity.
Especially during this season and the ending of a calendar year, she gets requests for donations every day from all over. Today, the Charity Officer wanted another opinion about what to give to who. I am a doubting person. I can doubt pretty much everything and I doubt there is any right way of deciding. I realize that evaluation of a charity is a complex task and it is probably something that cannot be said to have a right way of being done. The Charity Navigator evaluates charities on several variables and we took a look at it but in the end we had to make up our own minds.