Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Older guy's memory

As I age, I have more and more trouble remembering what I know.  I know his name.  I certainly know hers.  But what the hell are their names? I just talked about them yesterday.  No, maybe it was an hour ago.  Yeah, yeah, I know I can pull that phone from my pocket and find their names in several different places.  But, I am too stubborn.  What are their names?  

Much of the time, I have a strong feeling what letter their names begin with.  One way or another, I find the elusive names.  I am wrong about the initial letter most of the time. 

Testing guys like me (I have taught the history and creation of school tests) know that there is a difference between "recall" (typical full remembering) and "recognition" (like a police lineup, when I select the right names from several offered).

I have had the book "Why Learn History When It is Already on Your Phone" by Sam Wineburg for quite a while but I haven't read it.