Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Computerware I like

Note that I am writing about computerware.   Remember computers?  They are nicely powerful and they have keyboards with sizeable keys.  Don't underestimate them.  When I go to the college weightroom, everybody in the room is holding a smartphone.  Even if a person there remembers what the room is for, they still interrupt their weight work to use the smartphone.

I like Asus computers and the last several computers I have bought have been relatively low priced laptops by Asus.

You know that as you age, it is important to take breaks, to use a good chair and a desk surface of the right height.

I use Firefox browser for most computing but I recommend giving Duckduckgo a try to information searches.  It prides itself on keeping tracking but those who would love to inundate your mailbox with ads about whatever you seem to be interested in.  

For interesting and current topics, the Firefox service "Pocket" is free and collects interesting articles for writers all over.  Google has a great many services and I use the main ones like Gmail and Docs.  For news, I use CNN Five Things, Google News and NPR Headline News daily.

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