Friday, May 31, 2024

Reviewing books I already have

I am keeping myself from shopping new book titles to review what I already have.  One of the early purchases was "A User's Guide to the Brain" by John J. Ratey, MD.  I have read other Ratey books and I benefit from his writing.  When I read some of that book before, it was about 2008.  I wasn't familiar with the Kindle's ability to highlight worthwhile comments and create a single file of them so I really didn't highlight much.  Now as I go through the book, I find very valuable insights.

In graduate school, I, like many others, was interested in WFF's, - well-formed formulas.  I was being charmed by certainty, perfection, total correctness.  Ratey wrote in 2002 that "The sooner we replace our mechanistic model of the brain with an ecologically centered, system-view, the better off we will be, for such a model better accounts for much of human experience."  I translate this sentence with an awareness of the fascination with developing the RIGHT formula.  Ratey emphasized that we humans do not operate formulaically but instead work with metaphors and impressions.

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